Print & Packaging 01
Brief 04: Cinema ticket and poster
This brief was pretty basic and without many restrictions, the few things were to make sure I made a ticket and poster, have an introductory sentence and an overall theme related to the type of movies that would be presented
I made the first ticket for howls moving castle and I couldn't stop myself from making the two other ones cause I found that it was pushing me to create illustrations on my own with the pen tool, which I haven't been practicing enough in the past few years.
Creating the poster was a bit harder, but I kept the overall theme the same, its not balanced as well as I wish it was, but I'm also not a fan of the mockup I used.
I'll have to work harder on finding my assets before starting my designs and making sure they match.
If you're looking to watch my stream about this project you can find it below. Thanks for taking the time to look at my practice project :)